• Microservices are about communicating through APIs!
  • A service mesh defines the communication interface between microservices.
  • In an orchestrated environment (Kubernetes), containers talk to each other on top of overlay networking.
  • Service mesh is a central source of truth for controlling the information flow between microservices.
  • Mesh enables both the scalability benefits of microservices as well as centralized advantages of monoliths.
  • Service meshes come with built-in observability (logging, metrics, and tracing) for microservices communications.
  • Service meshes have built-in support for resiliency features (retries, timeouts, deadlines, and circuit breaking).
  • They also have capabilities such as east-west routing, access control, mTLS, smart load balancing, etc.
  • Data plane refers to the layer allowing data to move between microservices and is implemented using sidecars.
  • A sidecar is an auxiliary container running side-by-side of the main container in your pod.
  • Microservices (main containers) communicate to each other through these sidecar containers.
  • Data plane does things like service discovery, routing, load balancing, health checking, authn and authz.
  • Control plane refers to the layer defining communication rules between microservices.
  • Control plane provides configurations and rules for all running data planes in the mesh.
  • Service mesh interface (SMI) defines a standard API for different services meshes, so they can interoperate.
  • Istio, Linkerd, and Consul are service meshes adopted widely.

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