• Know Why
    • With microservices, you will inevitably ship your org chart!
    • Think about why you are doing it at an organizational level.
    • Don’t focus on computer science! Focus on velocity.
    • Optimize for velocity (not engineering velocity and not systems throughput).
    • By assigning project teams to microservices, you reduce person-to-person communication and increase velocity.
  • Serverless Still Runs on Servers
    • The idea of single-purpose services is a failure mode to do it blindly.
    • There is a tendency to break things down into smaller and smaller pieces.
    • Don’t forget about the significant cost of having two processes communicate with each other over a network.
    • Structure services around functional units in an engineering organization.
    • Think about compartmentalization and not breaking down services into the smallest possible pieces.
    • Don’t keep on making things smaller and smaller. You will regret that!
  • Independence
    • If you let teams make their own decisions, you will not have a mechanism to observe everything.
    • Think about which dimensions are independent, and which ones should be delegated to a platform team.
  • Beware Giant Dashboards
    • Each service generates a lot of pro-forma dashboards and then you put in the business metrics as well.
    • Figuring out the root cause becomes hard when cascading failures are visible in all interdependent microservices.
    • The dashboards should be limited to SLIs (what your consumer cares about) and the root cause analysis will be a guided refinement.
    • Observability is not about the three pillars. It’s about detection and refinement.
    • Observability boils down to two activities:
      • Detection of critical signals
      • Refining the search space
  • You Can’t Trace Everything
    • Distributed tracing is a way to do transactional logging with some kind of sampling built-in.