Lessons from the Birth of Microservices

TL;DR Know Why With microservices, you will inevitably ship your org chart! Think about why you are doing it at an organizational level. Don’t focus on computer science! Focus on velocity. Optimize for velocity (not engineering velocity and not systems throughput). By assigning project teams to microservices, you reduce person-to-person communication and increase velocity. Serverless Still Runs on Servers The idea of single-purpose services is a failure mode to do it blindly....

Feb 24, 2020 · 2 min · Milad Irannejad

How Uber, Facebook, and Netflix Do SSH

TL;DR A study shows there is a cybersecurity attack every 39 seconds. In a typical SSH protocol: the server trusts the client if the client’s public key is listed as authorized, and the client trusts the server’s public key on first use (TOFU). The trust on first use (TOFU) approach delegates the trust to the clients and leave them vulnerable to man-in-the-middle attacks. One solution to fix this is using SSH certificates and SSH certificate authorities (CA)....

Aug 8, 2019 · 1 min · Milad Irannejad