• Dynamic configuration management and secret injection refer to updating an application with new configurations and secrets in a non-disruptive way.
  • Kubernetes ConfigMaps and Secrets mounted as files into containers will be updated with new values automatically.
  • konfig makes dynamic configuration management and secret injection very easy to implement and use for Go applications.

The Problem

Dynamic configuration management and secret injection refer to a situation that your application can update its configurations and secrets without needing a restart.

Example 1: Let’s imagine you have a microservice deployed to Kubernetes. This microservice serves an API and consumers constantly make requests to it. The verbosity level of logging for this microservice is a configurable parameter that is passed to the container through a ConfigMap. As a best practice (ex. cost-saving), you only want warning or error logs in production. Now, let’s consider a case that your microservice is handling a long-lived background job and you want to see logs for this job at debug level. Normally, you go change the verbosity level in your ConfigMap and restart your pods. But, in this case, restarting pods also means killing the background job! How do you change the logging verbosity level while your job continues running and without restarting any pod?

Example 2: In another scenario, you have a microservices application in which you have an auth microservice responsible for signing JSON web tokens (jwt). Other microservices need to authenticate and authorize API requests with the tokens issued by auth microservice. For this purpose, they need to verify a JWT token using the same key that auth microservice signed the token with it. All of these microservices, including auth, read the signing key from a Kubernetes Secret. Now, let’s say your signing key is comprised and you want to rotate your secret. How would you do this without restarting all of your microservices?


Both examples described in the previous section can be addressed by dynamic configuration management and secret injection. For achieving this, two things need to be done:

  1. Injecting the new configuration/secret into your environment (container).
  2. Picking up the new configuration/secret in your application.

If you are using a container orchestration platform like Kubernetes, the first problem is taken care of automatically. In Kubernetes, Mounted ConfigMaps and Secrets are updated automatically. This means if you mount a ConfigMap or Secret as a volume into your container, whenever you make a change to your ConfigMap or Secret, the mounted files in your container will eventually be updated with new values.

For addressing the second problem, you need to watch for changes to mounted files in a parallel thread in your application. As soon as you detect a change, you need to update your application to reflect the change in a thread-safe way (without data race or deadlock!).


You don’t have to repeat yourself across all different applications and microservices. More importantly, you also don’t have to be trapped in concurrency issues (data races, deadlock, etc.).

konfig is a very minimal and unopinionated utility for reading configurations in Go applications based on The 12-Factor App. konfig can also watch for changes to configuration files and notify a list of subscribers on a channel. konfig makes dynamic configuration management and secret injection very easy to implement and use. As a consumer of this library, you don’t have to deal with parsing different data types and concurrency issues such as data races. You can find examples of using konfig here.

A Real-World Example

In this section, we want to demonstrate a real-world example of dynamic configuration management using konfig. Here is an overview of what we are going to do:

  1. We will deploy two microservices to a Kubernetes cluster.
  2. The servers provide a simple HTTP endpoint and the clients call this endpoint every second.
  3. Initially, the microservices are configured to only show warn level logs, so we won’t see any log.
  4. Then, we will update the log-level key in ConfigMaps for server and client to debug.
  5. Without restarting the pods, we will see logs from server and client pods in debug level after a little while.

Source Codes

You can find all the required source codes here.


First, we build and push Docker images for the server and client microservices. Second, we deploy them to the Kubernetes cluster.

# current directory: examples/3-kubernetes
cd server
make docker k8s-deploy
cd ../client
make docker k8s-deploy

Now, we should have 2 pods up and running for each microservice (server and client). Using a handly tool called Stern, we tail all logs from server pods.

stern app-server
app-server-588c8db995-kgwgh server {"level":"info","logger":"server","message":"starting http server ...","timestamp":"2019-09-02T20:42:03.0653369Z"}
app-server-588c8db995-t7mw4 server {"level":"info","logger":"server","message":"starting http server ...","timestamp":"2019-09-02T20:42:03.8942075Z"}

Similarly, we tail all logs from client pods.

stern app-client
app-client-599ff8bf8f-7mtlr client {"level":"info","logger":"client","message":"start sending requests ...","timestamp":"2019-09-02T20:46:37.8604542Z"}
app-client-599ff8bf8f-cvsss client {"level":"info","logger":"client","message":"start sending requests ...","timestamp":"2019-09-02T20:46:38.6870928Z"}

The initial logs in info level are logged before the warn is read from the mounted configuration file and then the logger is updated with warn level. While the client pods are making requests to server pods, we see no other logs from any of the pods.

Now, it is time to see dynamic configuration management in action! Using the kubectl edit cm app-server we change the log-level to info. Similarly, using the kubectl edit cm app-client we change the log-level to info.

After a few seconds, Kubernetes will update the mounted files with the new values, and we will see logs from server and client pods. Logs from server pods are similar to these ones:

app-server-588c8db995-t7mw4 server {"level":"info","logger":"server","message":"new request received","timestamp":"2019-09-02T20:59:20.793411Z"}
app-server-588c8db995-kgwgh server {"level":"info","logger":"server","message":"new request received","timestamp":"2019-09-02T20:59:20.967802Z"}
app-server-588c8db995-t7mw4 server {"level":"info","logger":"server","message":"new request received","timestamp":"2019-09-02T20:59:21.7932503Z"}
app-server-588c8db995-kgwgh server {"level":"info","logger":"server","message":"new request received","timestamp":"2019-09-02T20:59:21.9667149Z"}

And logs from client pods are similar to these ones:

app-client-599ff8bf8f-cvsss client {"level":"info","logger":"client","message":"response received from server","http.statusCode":200,"timestamp":"2019-09-02T20:59:50.7583619Z"}
app-client-599ff8bf8f-7mtlr client {"level":"info","logger":"client","message":"response received from server","http.statusCode":200,"timestamp":"2019-09-02T20:59:50.9315373Z"}
app-client-599ff8bf8f-cvsss client {"level":"info","logger":"client","message":"response received from server","http.statusCode":200,"timestamp":"2019-09-02T20:59:51.7572924Z"}
app-client-599ff8bf8f-7mtlr client {"level":"info","logger":"client","message":"response received from server","http.statusCode":200,"timestamp":"2019-09-02T20:59:51.9335878Z"}


Dynamic configuration management and secret injection refer to updating an application with new configurations and secrets without disrupting (restarting) it. This is an important quality for building a non-disruptive and autonomous application. With containerization technologies like Docker and Kubernetes, it is easy to inject new configurations and secrets into your application environment (container). konfig is a very minimal and unopinionated library that makes dynamic configuration management and secret injection very easy to implement and use for Go application.